
Welcome to the Learning Resource Center

Mission Statement

“The Halifax Community College Learning Resources Center supports the College’s instructional program by providing print, non-print, and electronic information, as well as other media for students, faculty, staff, and the general public, in order to promote, support, and encourage information literacy–the ability to locate, evaluate, and use information to become an independent life-long learner.”


Halifax Community College Library is an academic library. Its primary purpose is to support our curriculum by providing print and non-print materials for faculty, staff, and students. We are also a public library providing materials and Internet access for the community. It is our mission to support both our campus and community by encouraging life-long learning. These skills include the abilities to locate, evaluate, and apply information to daily living.


Monday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Tuesday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Wednesday 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Thursday 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Summer Hours will be posted on the library doors.


An integral part of our college’s educational program, our library staff is committed to providing instructional and support services for our faculty and students. A certified librarian is always on duty. Other staff members are available to assist patrons in locating information or providing instruction regarding library usage.

Derrick L. Flood, Director of Learning Resources [email protected]
Deborah Wray, ERC/LRC Technical Assistant & Cataloger [email protected]
Jean McGee, PT LRC Technical Assistant [email protected]
Gil Alfonso, PT Evening LRC Technical Assistant [email protected]

General Information


The HCC-LRC contains about 12,000 square feet of floor space, housing our print collection, one computer lab and two student tutorial rooms, and the distance learning office. The ERC (Electronic Resource Center) is the student access lab with 29 computers and Internet connectivity.

Print and Electronic
The HCC library houses about 26,000 books; 46 periodicals, and an assortment of AV equipment. Our online catalog CCLINC (Community College Libraries in NC) allows patrons to access titles in our collection as well as those in the greater community college collection. Books from other community colleges can be requested at the circulation desk. CCLINC and other data services can be accessed through our web page under Electronic Resources. Some of these sites require passwords (available at the circulation desk) for remote access. Materials are also available through interlibrary loan.

Books are circulated for a two-week period. Three renewals may be granted, one by phone. Overdue fines are .05 per book per day. Students must return all materials and pay all fines by the end of each semester before registering for the next semester.

The library is expected to be a relatively quiet place. The computer labs are very quiet places. No cell phone usage. No food or drink. Children must be supervised in the library. No children are allowed in the computer labs. High School students require adult supervision in the labs. ID badges or visitor passes must be worn at all times.

Library Services

How to Obtain a Library Card

Faculty, staff, and HCC students, who wish to borrow materials and equipment from the Learning Resource Center must have an active registration card on file at the circulation desk. Community patrons must present some form of identification, preferably a valid driver’s license and may only borrow books.

Most books and periodicals not owned by the HCC Learning Resources Center can be requested from participating libraries through CCLINC (Community College Libraries in North Carolina) or OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) by students, faculty, and staff.

The Learning Resource Center is pleased to offer laptop and hotspots to Halifax Community College students. Laptops are available for checkout by students for the purposes of study, work, and/or research. Call or visit the library circulation desk for more information. Click here to read the laptop checkout policy.

A coin-operated photo-copying machine is located in the library for public use. Copies are $.10 per page (one side only) for 8×10 or 11×17 sizes.

A fax machine is located behind the circulation desk for sending and receiving copies. The fee for the first page is $1.00. A cover sheet is included. Subsequent pages are $1.00 each. Fax pages received are $1.00 per page.

Black and white (the default setting) print copies from the patron section and student lab (ERC) are $0.10 per page. Color copies are available for $0.50 per page. All print jobs must be paid in full (including “mistakes”). Lamination is $0.10 an inch library fines for books are $0.05 per book, per day. Fines for laptops and hotspots are 1.00 per day per item.

Scanning is available at the copy machine. There is no charge for this service unless printing is requested. *A flash drive is required to save scanned items.

General library orientation sessions are conducted as part of the ACA and ENG classes. It is the goal of the Library Orientation session to ensure that students will be able to utilize, evaluate, and locate all resources and services available through the LRC. Students may be asked to complete, seek and find assignments at the conclusion of the session. For more information contact Derrick L. Flood, Director of Learning Resources. [email protected] 252-536-7237

  • Daily Herald (Tuesday – Friday and Sunday)
  • The Daily Reflector (Daily & Sunday)
  • Lake Gaston Gazette-Observer (Weekly)
  • News & Observer (Daily and Sunday)
  • Rocky Mount Telegram (Daily and Sunday)
  • Warren Record (Weekly)

*In 2025 we will be going digital with our newspapers.

Learning Resource Center Circulation Desk

Derrick L. Flood, Director of Learning Resources [email protected]
Deborah Wray, ERC/LRC Technical Assistant & Cataloger [email protected]
Jean McGee, PT LRC Technical Assistant [email protected]
Gil Alfonso, PT Evening LRC Technical Assistant [email protected]


MARCH 5, 2025

Due to severe weather expectations: HCC will close at 12:00 noon today 3/5/2025. Please be safe