Paying for College

If you need help paying for college, please visit the Financial Aid section of the website for options, from scholarships and grants – which don’t have to be repaid, to student loans to work-study opportunities. You can also contact the Financial Aid Office staff for assistance.

Building 300, Suite 337

Pat Hux
Director of Financial Aid

Larrell Lewis
Financial Aid Specialist III


Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.


Halifax Community College
Financial Aid Office
100 College Drive
Weldon, NC 27890

You can pay for your classes in person or online via Self-Service.

To pay in person, visit the Cashier’s Office.

Cashier’s Office

Room 303
8:30-5:00 M-F
(252) 536-7205
Contact: Steven Wade, [email protected]

Bills and Payments

The Halifax Community College Cashier’s Office is responsible for processing student bills and payments. Charges include, but are not limited to:

  • Tuition
  • Fees
  • Health Insurance
  • Exam Fees
  • Returned Check Fees

The Cashier’s Office is also responsible for disbursing financial aid checks, as well as other refund checks.

Student Financial Obligations

  • All financial obligations are the responsibility of the student.
  • Unpaid accounts will be referred to collections and/or the North Carolina Department of Revenue Program. Students are responsible for any and all additional costs.

Students who have any outstanding financial obligations to the College will not be permitted to register or will not be eligible for graduation until their financial obligations to the College are satisfied.

Student Payment Options

Financial Aid

Approved Financial Aid are applied directly to the accounts of students. If the total amount of the Financial Aid award does not cover all of the tuition and fees then you must make plans to pay the outstanding balance.


Online payment is available for Curriculum students through WebAdvisor. VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express cards are accepted for debit and credit cards.


Students can pay with cash, credit cards, and debit cards at the Cashier’s Office.

Sponsorships and Tuition Assistance

The original authorizations/vouchers from the sponsoring agency must be provided to the Cashier’s Office before the time of payment occurs.

Tuition and Fees

The current year’s Tuition and Fees information is available to review.

Check Distribution

To pick up a check at the Cashier’s window it is required that a valid student ID be shown. Checks are distributed only to the payee of the check. Checks are not distributed to anyone else (parents, spouse, children, etc.).

Employees can pick up travel advance checks and travel reimbursement checks through the Accounts Payable Technician.

Smiling Young Arab Female Student With Workbooks And Backpack Standing Outdoors, Happy Middle Eastern Millennial Woman Posing Outside At University Campus, Turning At Camera, Copy Space

Bookstore & Library

Check out the bookstore or visit our library to find the resources you need to get started.


MARCH 5, 2025

Due to severe weather expectations: HCC will close at 12:00 noon today 3/5/2025. Please be safe